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Available Services

  Now Serving Owners, Associations, Contractors, Trades and Suppliers with informative Seminar's and Training as well as Professional Services


The Tendering Process:
Start to Finish

How to Keep Your Project on Track.

Tendering issues never seem to go away. They pose a challenge to those submitting tenders and the buyers who receive them.

The relationship between the parties is vital to having a successful outcome. Today, more than ever, making a mistake can be extremely costly. The potential damages can amount to not just thousands but millions of dollars. This program will identify “best practices” for procuring and tendering Design and Construction services. Consultants, Owners, Contractors

Length: 2 hours

Safety Accreditation and Due Diligence

This presentation has been designed in response to the Sudbury incident and fallout from the Ontario Appeals Court's decision effectively expanding the definition of “constructor” to include owners. The session is ideal when combined with a more extensive presentation on the ramifications of this case, its effects on owners and the industry. TCS can arrange and help design the larger presentation with the client bringing in top health and safety lawyers and experts to present the facts. This is vital for owners, procurement specialists, all industry stakeholders including consultants.

Length: 2 hours

Procurement: Delivery of Design and Construction Services.

Presented in cooperation with McMillan LLP and Surety Association of Canada. This session is of value to everyone from suppliers, trades consultants, generals, lawyers, and owners. Covering the entire process from the history of Canada’s unique procurement system for Design and Construction, Prequalification, Tender processes, CCDC/CCA Documents, Surety/Bonding, Awarding, pitfalls and challenges to be aware of and best practices to follow.

Length: 4 hours

Building a Stronger Association

Ideal for improving the relationship between staff and their boards by understanding how they can work together to implement programs to assist their members in dealing with procurement and contract issues. Can be part of a full day with the second part a workshop with the board and staff members to discuss how the association can achieve its goals.

Length: 3 hours

Procurement & Delivery of Design & Construction services 

"Putting Your Best Game On The Court,

Not In The Court"

The course is offered in cooperation with McMillan LLP, and the Surety Association of Canada. It will provide those responsible for procuring these services with an understanding of the unique laws and procedures that govern the procurement of design and construction in Canada.

Better Contracting: Achieving Balance Between the Parties

Association staff can learn a range of Best Practices that work across all of Ontario and Canada, on all types of projects and how they can maximize the collective action and influence of their local association to help resolve conflicts.

KGC Consulting Services Ltd. Principal Director Jerry Crawford

KGC provides a large range of training packages such as, Project Commercial Management & Contract Administration Training, along with many other programs for stakeholders. KGC is a great believer in training people to be more aware of situations before they happen rather than reacting after they occur. Sometimes we need to ask "not what have we accomplished today but rather what didn’t we accomplish”. Mr. Crawford has provided Claims management and review to parties across Canada. For a full syllabus of what KGC can offer please contact TCS.

Construction Claims:
The Road to Success or Failure

One of the more troublesome aspects of our industry is the failure to satisfactorily complete a project without running into difficulties that can lead to the legal and “Claims” situation. Avoiding those problems starts at the very beginning. This program will take you through the “road” that leads to success or failure, the signposts to be aware of and the steps that can be taken to avoid this process.  This program can be expanded to include how to prepare and deal with claims through our partnership with Fernandez Construction Claims Experts, and KGC.

Length: 2 hours

Guide to Dealing with Tender and Construction Issues

Educate staff and members on how to effectively deal with the challenges of Supplementary General Conditions when tendering.

Length: 2 hours

Surety Providers and Understanding your Clients Challenges

The surety industry is a major player and partner in our industry. This program will provide those involved in surety with an understanding of how the

Canadian system works and the challenges faced by their clients by better understanding the industry. Surety providers will better be able to impart their valuable services to the industry.

Length: 2 Hours

Tendering - Keeping it Simple: Tender Forms and the Process

Presented with additional expert speaker Howard Doucet.

For owners and those charged with procurement of Design and Construction Services. Learn the benefits of keeping it simple while getting the best results from your tender processes.

Length: 2 hours

Bidding and Tendering:

What to Look Out For And What You Can Do

For individual companies to help train their estimating and tendering staff in the preparation of this an understanding of the contracts into which they will be entering.


Construction Contracts, Claims and Litigation Support

Review Scope of Work

Draft and Prepare Contracts & Provide Advice on CCDC Documents

Draft Contract and Dispute Correspondence

Expert Witness


Legal Project Management Collaboration


Review Contract Documents, Drawings and Specifications

Identify and Assess Risk and Mitigation Strategies.

Interface with Project Partners and Legal Counsel

Expert Reports


Adjudication Support

Health and Safety Management Systems

Developing a Safety Culture


For more information on our services and costs

get in touch to learn more.

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